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Self Portrait with Monstera  Deliciosa

Oil on Canvas 80 x 100 cm


Annabel Jones von Boxtel sitting on a chair.

A portrait of Annabel Jones von Boxtel sitting on a chair.

Oil on Plywood 52 x 70cm


Annabel, sitting on the floor.

Oil painting of a young girl in a headscarf kneeling on the floor.

Oil on Plywood 70 x 52cm


Annabel sitting at the table.

A young woman callled Annabel Sitting at the Kitchen Table in bright sunshine with a vase, plant and a glass of water.

Oil on Canvas 51 x 67cm



A painting of my mother sitting on a chair. She is wearing a nice dress and red beads.

Oil on Plywood 42 x 61cm


Self Portrait with a nice cup of tea.

Oil on Canvas 60 x 60 cm


The lady with long fingers.

Oil on Canvas 76 x 100 cm

Not for Sale

Portrait of a Rapper

Oil, Charcoal & Acrylic on Plywood
60 x 90 cm


Jesus Hernandez

Jesus Hernandez sits in his living room showing off his tatoos and looking broody.

Oil on Plywood 60 x 100cm


Jesus of Bethnal Green

Jesus Arms Crossed.jpg

Oil on Plywood 35 x 45cm


Treetops Hospice

The staff and volunteers at Treetops Hospice and example of 3 large portraits.

Oil on Plywood 90 x 150cm

Donated to Treetops Hospice

The  Postman

People of Beeston - Will Gavin - after Postman Joseph Roulin by Vincent Van Gogh..JPG

Oil on Plywood 60 x 90cm

Not for Sale

The Old Man of Lace

People of Beeston - Tony Remon - from ‘Tony’s Nets’, Beeston..JPG

Oil on Plywood 60 x 90cm


 © Matthew Lyons Art

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