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31st January 2025

Herbert Smith Freehills Portrait Award at the National Portrait Gallery.

Portrait of the Master Potter Keith Brymer Jones in the Colour Room at the Glafstone Pottery Museum.

Matthew's painting Portrait of Keith Brymer Jones in the Colour Room at the Gladstone Pottery Museum has been shortlisted for the Herbert Smith Freehills Portrait Award at the National Portrait Gallery.


This painting is from a series of portraits of Keith painted in October - December 2024.


Keith Brymer Jones at the Gladstone Pottery Museum by Matthew_Lyons.jpg

7th December 2024

Leicester Open: People’s Exhibition

Portrait of Annabel Sitting on the Floor

Matthew's painting Annabel Sitting on the Floor is on  exhibition at the Leicester Open: People's Exhibition from 14 December 2024 - 31 January 2025.


This painting is from a series of portraits of Annabel Jones Van Boxtel, a former student at Nottingham University.


Annabel Sitting on the Floor

11th October 2023

Sky Portrait Artist

Self Portrait with Mostera Delicisosa

Matthew was selected to take part in the Sky Arts programme 'Portrait Artist of the Year' with his self portrait 'Self Portrait with Monstera Deliciosa'.


Matthew painted the television personality and singer Fleur East but was not selected to progress beyond his episode.


1st December 2023

Royal West of England Open

Portrait of a Postman

Matthew's painting Portriat of a Postman has been selected for exhibition at the Royal West of England Open in Bristol.


The painting is one from a series of twenty portraits painting of local people from Matthew's home town of Beeston.



1st July 2023

Jackson's Art Prize

Portrait of a Rapper

Matthew's painting 'Portrait of a Rapper' was shortlisted for the Jackson's Art Prize and was exhibited at the Bankside Gallery in London.

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